MDB-serviceset (Esprecious 2.5)

If you like to use a payment system or read out data (telemetry) from your coffee machine, then you need an MDB service set. With this service set you can connect your Bravilor Bonamat coffee machine to another device.

Bravilor Bonamat offers coffee machines that can be connected to a coin mechanism or any other (online) payment system such as the Esprecious espresso machine.

The MDB service set ensures that the vending machine can communicate with the payment system. However, note that the payment system concerned needs to meet the MDB protocol for vending machines.

Please note that there are many sorts of payment systems available. The vending machines from Bravilor Bonamat do not work with every payment system. This needs to be verified beforehand.

Please contact Bravilor Bonamat or your dedicated dealer for more information or advice.

Informatie aanvragen


  • 7.270.616.101 MDB-serviceset Esprecious

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