About coffee

Coffee is a product made from coffee beans and it is mostly consumed as a hot drink. In the course of the time, many varieties and mixtures of coffee have been developed, such as coffee with liquors, cappuccino and espresso. Drinks based on pure coffee or often with added milk or cocoa.

Coffee is made from coffee beans, the seeds from the coffee plant, which are dried and often also ground for the coffee production process. The coffee plant is a plant from the Coffea genus, which includes more than 60 species of coffee plants. For making coffee, the Coffea Arabica (Arabica beans) and the Coffea Robusta (Robusta beans) are most commonly used. Also several varieties of coffee beans are mixed for a more consistent taste, after which these are roasted and ground, if necessary (filter coffee).

Coffee machine

Besides the coffee, the coffee machine plays a very important role in making a delicious cup of coffee or coffee variety as well. Apart from the traditional coffee machine, the range of machines has considerably expanded over the course of the time. In addition to pure coffee, the machines also supply the required coffee varieties. In connection with selecting the right machine it is important to know the following:

  • What coffee (varieties) you require
  • For how many people you want to make coffee per day
  • Is the coffee drunk all day through or during peak times
  • Do you want coffee from beans or instant coffee (based on freeze-dried products)
  • With or without water connection
  • Room for the machine (where is the machine to be placed)

As a manufacturer of coffee machines, Bravilor Bonamat offers the correct solution for the above issues. We, as well as our dealers, will be pleased to help you make the right choice.

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