Cedabond Day

Open to all Cedabond members

Whether you have an account with us or not, as a Cedabond member, we would like to invite you to our showroom to learn more about Bravilor Bonamat products and the solutions we can provide you.

We will have something for everyone, from the exquisite simplicity of filter coffee from our pour and serve line to the complex combination of milk and freshly ground coffee beans from our series of bean-to-cup solutions.

From 10am to 4pm we will be here with a smile, warm welcome and, of course, a delicious coffee this Cedabond Day - 13th February 2024.

What will you find when you get here?

Pour and serve. From Mondo to TH, decanter or vacuum flask you can enjoy filter coffee where and how you like it.

Large volumes? No problem, Go for quantity with our renowned B series or buffet serving using the Aurora and its thermal dispensors.

Coffee in just 11 seconds. Instant coffee has never been more stylish with our Bolero instant ingredient series. We think you'd be hard pushed to taste much difference between this and a bean-to cup machine.

Complexity of flavours. Enjoy a huge range of beverages from our bean to cup ranges. From the perfectly formed Sprso through to the comprehensive Rex-Royal S500 there will be something to dazzle your tastebuds.

Nothing to lose

Drop by, have a pleasant chat and tasty coffee (or two) and explore our range. Extend the benefits of your Cedabond membership with an account with Bravilor Limited and find out how Bravilor Bonamat help you brew your coffee.

To RSVP jump back to your inbox and click the red or black button in your email invite! Didn't get an invitation but are a Cedabond member? Call us on 01184 021 621 so we can put that right.

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